Review: Rising Storm Episode 1: Tempest Rising by Julie Kenner


TEMPEST RISING is the first episode in Season 1 of the incredible Rising Storm Series. The series is to be read like an ongoing drama, with each episode releasing on a weekly basis. In fact, it’s like a TV series, with Season 2 coming next year! Certainly something new, and I can’t wait to see how it all turns out.

In TEMPEST RISING, author Julie Kenner sets the setting for the entire season, introducing the cast of characters and putting into play the event that would serve as the catalyst for the conflicts that would play out. Here, Ginny Moreno is going back home to Storm, Texas for the summer, with her best friend, Jacob Salt. Unfortunately, tragedy struck, and that one act will unravel secrets and affect everyone in the town in a way no one could’ve imagined… Continue reading